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Dr. Ronit Ram-Tsur is a researcher and lecturer on pedagogies, educational technologies and methods to promote learning according to scientific insights based on cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Dr. Ram-Tsur develops links and bridges to science applications for the promotion and innovation of education and helps populations with special needs.


Dr. Ronit Ram-Tsur is a neuroscientist that focus her researches on perception, cognition, meaningful learning, and creative thinking using monitoring eye movements technology and clinical trials both in lab, school classrooms and in higher education. She is a Ph.D. graduate of the Leslie & Susan Brain Center (Gonda) at Bar-Ilan University, a postdoctoral fellow from the University of Haifa's Cognitive Research Laboratory, and residency in special populations from State University New York (SUNY)

Dr. Ronit Ram-Tsur is a Lecturer and researcher at Kibbutzim Seminar College, academic advisor, one of the Minister of Education department’s specialist, and conducts researches in collaboration with researchers from Bar-Ilan University and researchers in the world that promote the connections between Neuroscience and Education. Dr. Ram-Tsur is also a member of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) in the Neuroscience and Education Group, since its inception in 2008. She also held academic lectures for lecturers, educational managers and teachers to reveal her research' findings and insights  in Israel, at schools and higher education. Her aim is to expose teaching and learning methods based on the accumulative neurobiological knowledge of mathematics and science teaching, and also teaching to the special population through adjustments of methods within the education institutes in Israel and the common Hebrew language.

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